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Product category: Dentistry and Endodontics


Unit package contains:

  • a container with powder (30 g), signed with the number corresponding to the colour i.e.:

No. 2 - yellow-white shade,

No. 3 - yellow shade,

  • a container with liquid (18 g) equipped with medicine dropper,
  • a plastic spoon for powder.


AGATOS S is intended mainly to cementing crowns, bridges, posts and cores as well as a thin or thick lining layer.

It can be also used as a root canal filling material especially before apicoectomy. The cement causes tight closure of an apical foramen of tooth. In case of root canal filling it should be noted that the cement is very hard and it might be difficult to remove it when necessary.

Technical and medical data


Fast-setting phosphate cement AGATOS S is a preparation that consists of a powder and liquid contained in a common unit package. The main component of the powder is zinc oxide whereas orthophosphoric acid is the main constituent of the liquid. Both substances mixed together in appropriate proportions forms alkaline zinc phosphate.

AGATOS S is easy to knead, after setting it reveals high resistance to compression and erosion induced by influence of water, saliva and substances contained in foods. It is characterized by short setting time and small shrinkage as well as good adhesion and relative harmlessness to the surrounding tissues. Its compressive strength is above 50 MPa.

Handling the product

Knead the cement on the mat surface of a glass mixing slab using stainless steel or chromium flat spatula. Instruments have to be perfectly cleaned and dried. Adding small portions of powder to the liquid (never in different order) accurately mix and grind up to the consistence of a paste. While kneading and setting inside the cavity cement may release heat – this phenomenon is a result of chemical reactions responsible for cement setting.

To maintain proper quality of the cement comply with the following conditions while kneading:

  • powder and liquid should be mixed well-proportioned: 40 g of powder/0.83 g of liquid; maintenance of this proportion is very important for reaching appropriate parameters of the cement, since cement kneaded with too much liquid is irritating to the periapex tissues. Usually it is recommended to use two spoons of powder against twelve drops of the liquid,
  • temperature recommended for work with the cement is approximately 23oC, 50% humidity,
  • immediately after usage of powder and liquid close tightly both containers.

Mixing time:       about 1 min.

Working time:      max 1,5 min.

Net setting time:    3-6 min

Storage conditions

Keep containers tightly closed in a dry place, protect from moisture. Do not store below 8°C, because it may cause liquid crystallization. Keep out of the reach of children.

After the first (as well as the next) usage of powder and liquid pay attention to the tight closure of the containers. This procedure will sustain the quality parameters of the product.

 Store in temperature 8ºC to 25ºC

Any serious incident related to the product should be reported to the manufacturer and appropriate agency.

REVISED ON: 12/2021

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