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Product category: Dentistry and Endodontics


Primary package: plastic bottle with a cap with dropper containing 10 g of the product.


Can be used directly for bleeding control or in combination with gingival retraction cord. 1 g of the product contains 0.2 g of aluminum chloride hexahydrate.

Description of the action

Alustin® applied on the bleeding area creates superficial protective layer. Bleeding stops after several minutes, which enables single session treatment without need for temporary dressing.

Handling the product

  • During bleeding control:
  1. Inhibit the bleeding using a cotton pad soaked with Alustin®.
  2. After  hemorrhage  arrested, rinse tissues with purified water or by air and water-flow.
  3. In case of  bleeding repeat procedure.
  • During retraction:
      1. Impregnate retraction cord with Alustin®.
      2. Place a retraction cord in gingival pocket for 4 to 5 minutes.
      3. Remove retraction cord and rinse gingival pocket thoroughly by air and water-flow or purified water, dry out with an air-flow.
      4. In case of  bleeding repeat procedure.
      5. Make an impression.

Storage conditions

Keep containers tightly closed. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in temperature 5ºC to 25ºC.

Any serious incident related to the product should be reported to the manufacturer and appropriate agency (President of Registration Board of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products).

REVISED ON: 12/2021

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