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Product category: Dentistry and Endodontics


Primary package: laminate tube containing 35 g of blue paste.


Paste for polishing crown and neck of a toot, mainly after manual or ultrasonic scaling and for polishing amalgam fillings by using rubber or silicone polishing tips.

It is recommended to cleanse teeth with CHEMA POLISH I paste before polishing.

Description of the action

Properly selected composition of this product provides good polishing properties, also at the same time prevents cervical hypersensitivity due to content of hydroxyapatite.

Handling the product

While using the product proceed according to generally accepted protocol of prophylaxis and tooth polishing. Do not apply too much paste at once, it may cause slushing while using the product; use adequate protective measures.

Storage conditions

Keep container tightly closed, keep out of the reach of children. Store in temperature 15ºC to 25ºC.

Any serious incident related to the product should be reported to the manufacturer and appropriate agency.

REVISED ON: 12/2021

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