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Product category: Prosthetics
For technical and dental work


Bottle containing 1 kg of liquid.


Characteristic: IZOLIT SL liquid is designed to isolate the surface of plaster molds from methacrylate dough for dentures. It is a colloidal solution based on an alginic acid salt, preserved with a bactericide and colored.

Handling the product

Use: The plaster mold, made according to the usual method, should be thoroughly rinsed with a stream of boiling water in order to completely remove the modelling wax from it.  Good melting of the wax later determines the ease of spreading the insulating liquid and its proper adhesion to the mold surface, therefore, special attention should be paid to this operation
 Then, pour the IZOLIT SL liquid into a small vessel and use a soft brush to coat the surface of the plaster mold, previously brought to a temperature of approx. 40 °C. After a few minutes, it is advisable to reapply a layer of ISOLIT SL on the plaster. After the insulating layer is dry, you can start forming the methacrylate dough.

The brush with which the plaster mold was coated should not be immersed directly in the bottle 
with ISOLIT SL, because the remains of plaster on it may cause the liquid in the bottle to gel. For the same reason, the remaining liquid should not be poured from the pot into the bottle.

Storage conditions

Contains bronopol. Keep locked up and out of the reach of children.

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